External Services
External services are offered after sheltering, as a follow-up. Also, women in the community who do not want sheltering services can access external intervention by individual meetings or in groups.
External Services
Our workers offer support services for people who are victims of domestic violence: verbal, psychological, social, sexual, economic and physical. Our consultation sessions allow us to better understand the journey of victims, more precisely on the process which leads to revealing and denouncing their aggressor.
Consultations can be done discreetly to ensure the confidentiality of victim information. After assessing your situation, the worker will offer you personalized follow-up and adequate resources.
If you are a victim of domestic violence and wish to discuss your situation, contact us for an approach adapted to your needs.
Individual monitoring can be done in the short, medium or long term according to your needs. Throughout this process, one of our counselors will inquire about your situation. By setting specific goals and objectives with you, the worker will take the time to identify any risk factors and ensure your psychological and physical health. If necessary, she can recommend external resources or professionals who can provide you with additional support. She will be attentive to advise you and provide you with support; while letting you make your own decisions.
Monitoring concerns the following needs:
- Listening
- Psychosocial help
- The support
- Procedures related to domestic violence (legal, financial)
- Immigration procedures (permanent residence, sponsorship, etc.)
- Support to undertake and finalize various procedures
- The stages related to reintegration into the community (studies, employment, support groups, etc.)
- References to professionals (doctor, psychological support, CSSS, etc.)
We also offer support groups to help women overcome difficulties related to domestic violence.
These are groups covering a wide variety of topics such as:
- “Experiencing difficulties in a marital relationship” (12 weeks)
- “Rebuilding Self-Esteem” (6 weeks)
- “Multicultural group” (6 weeks)
Services externes
Our workers offer support services for people who are victims of domestic violence: verbal, psychological, social, sexual, economic and physical. Our consultation sessions allow us to better understand the journey of victims, more precisely on the process which leads to revealing and denouncing their aggressor.
Les consultations peuvent être faites de façon discrete pour assurer la confidentialité des informations de la victime. Après avoir évalué votre situation, l’intervenante vous proposera un suivi personnalisé et des ressources adéquates.
Si vous êtes victime de violence conjugale et souhaitez discuter de votre situation, contactez-nous pour obtenir un accompagnement adapté à vos besoins.
Individual monitoring can be done in the short, medium or long term according to your needs. Throughout this process, one of our counselors will inquire about your situation. By setting specific goals and objectives with you, the worker will take the time to identify any risk factors and ensure your psychological and physical health. If necessary, she can recommend external resources or professionals who can provide you with additional support. She will be attentive to advise you and provide you with support; while letting you make your own decisions.
Monitoring concerns the following needs:
- Listening
- Psychosocial help
- The support
- Procedures related to domestic violence (legal, financial)
- Immigration procedures (permanent residence, sponsorship, etc.)
- Support to undertake and finalize various procedures
- The stages related to reintegration into the community (studies, employment, support groups, etc.)
- References to professionals (doctor, psychological support, CSSS, etc.)
We also offer support groups to help women overcome difficulties related to domestic violence.
These are groups covering a wide variety of topics such as:
- “Experiencing difficulties in a marital relationship” (12 weeks)
- “Rebuilding Self-Esteem” (6 weeks)
- “Multicultural group” (6 weeks)
Contact us
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Our partners
International House of the South Shore: www.mirs.qc.ca
South Shore Sino-Quebec Center: www.sinoquebec.ca
CDC de Longueuil: www.cdclongueuil.org
Useful links :
- Association québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes: aqpv.ca
- Government of Quebec – Conjugal violence: quebec.ca/index.php?id=6278
- INSPQ – Media kit on domestic violence: inspq.qc.ca/violence-conjugale
- Youth protection: santemonteregie.qc.ca/services/protection-de-la-jeunesse
- RAIV (Applied and Interdisciplinary Research on Violence): raiv.ulaval.ca
- Table de concertation in matters of domestic violence and sexual assault: tableviolence.org
- TCRI (Table de concertation des organizations serving refugees and immigrants): tcri.qc.ca
Useful Resources
SOS Violence conjugale: www.sosviolenceconjugale.ca
1 800 363-9010
Federation of accommodation resources for abused and troubled women in Quebec: www.fmhf.ca
Inform’Elle: www.informelle.osbl.ca
CAVAC Montérégie (Crime Victims Assistance Center): www.cavac.qc.ca
450 670-3400 or 1 800 670-3401
National Institute of Public Health: www.inspq.qc.ca
Legal information (Éducaloi): www.educaloi.qc.ca
JURIPOP legal clinic: juripop.org: 1 855 JURIPOP (legal assistance line in family law for victims of domestic violence)
Resource Line for Sexual Assault Victims: 1 888 933-9007
Suicide prevention: 1 866-APPELLE (1 866 277-3553)
Directory of social and community services: 2-1-1
Longueuil agglomeration police department: 9-1-1 (emergency) or 450 463-7011 (info)
TEL-YOUNG: 1 800 263-2266
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
Mutual Aid Listening: 514 278-2130 or 1 855 ONLINE
Tel-Aide: 514 935-1101
Tel-Écoute: 514 493-4484
Tel-Aînés: 514 353-2463 or 1 877 353-2460